Sunday, May 27, 2007
When the recent dogfood scare happened I started reading about homemade dogfood and ended up fascinated by the raw diet data, including Mazie's improved allergies. I got a couple great books and about a month ago started feeding Pax raw meaty bones and "glop", a mixture of eggs, yogurt, greens, veggies, garlic, ginger, fish oil, molasses and apples that I whip up in the blender once a week and freeze in small containers. The first night we gave Pax a lamb leg bone (out in the yard!) he sniffed it, backed up, looked all around the yard for competition and looked back at us tentatively as if to say "can I really have it?" When I said "Okay Pax!" he lept straight up in the air and twirled around twice in pure joy and then dove in to his bone. Both Tim and I were there and it was such an amazing sight we talked about it all evening and have related the experience to any! one willing to listen. I have never seen such pure happines in an animal. While Pax has always been happy to be fed, dinner lasted less than 2 minutes. Now he spends 1/2 hour to 1 hour happily dining away. He also really loves his "glop" which he eats with great relish, sometimes even before he attacks his meat/bone entre. He has slimmed down a bit, his eyes are bright, his coat is soft and glossy, his teeth are gorgeous, his stools are hard, compact and regular and he has no dog breath or dog farts. He has a spring in his step, good energy and maybe a little less joint stiffness which was probably helped by the warmer weather and lack of stairs as well. But, if all these factors were not reason enough to continue a raw diet, watching his pure joy eating dinner an hour a day is well worth it. The only downside is that when he decides he has had enough, he hops ! into my garden to bury the rest of the bone. If I see him and kick him out of my garden he finds some other great place to dig. You can tell his dinner serving was too big when he comes in with his nose caked with dirt and mud.
Lately I have been giving Pax the run of the house when I go out. He has not bothered anything and is completely trustworthy. Last week I was gone a couple hours longer than I expected and when I got home I found he had gotten into a bag of clothes I had put aside for Goodwill, pulled out an old courduroy skirt of mine and dropped it in heap on the kitchen floor. It warmed my heart that he missed me and wanted to be close to my clothing, so I decided to let him keep the skirt and that maybe I would make it into a pillow or dog toy for him. A little later I looked over and there he was on my kitchen floor humping my skirt. So much for warm, fuzzy feelings.
That's my latest Pax story.
Enjoy your weekend. Hope it is finally spring where you are.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
He is far more popular than I will ever be.
Everyone loves him and he showers all with cuddly devotion.
We started attending a beginner obedience class as a prerequisite to the therapy “Pet Partners” training I want to do with him in April so he and I can visit hospitals and nursing homes.
Needless to say, he outshines everyone in the beginners class, but it is helping me learn more about what he knows.

I suspect he is very well trained, although I do not know the cues and commands to bring that out.
For one thing I found that if he is on leash and the leash drops to the floor, he will stop dead in his tracks as soon as he realizes nobody is holding the other end!
I tested this by calling him and trying to entice him to come with a treat, but so long as the leash is lying on the floor he will look at the leash then look at me as if to say – “I’m confused, what do you want me to do?”, but he will not move.
This comes in very handy when I am loading and unloading his stairway to get him into the car. Yes, I have a stairway!
It is an accordion folding contraption of 4 carpeted steps the folds and unfolds to reach the back seat of the car.
I got it for me because I was hurting my back lifting him into the car.

So now the stairway gets unfolded coming and going.
Fully opened it is about 7 feet wide and Pax does look like “His Lordship” getting in and out of the car.
The good news though is he seems far less bothered by his back or joint issues.
We walk 20-30 minutes every day after lunch and lately we jog for the first half (downhill) and walk our way back.
He has a real spring to his step and can definitely out run and out last my energy.
He does that cute little twirly thing a lot
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Paxy made it to his new home in
Laura sounds very excited and tells me that he's wagging his tail all happy.
It is the one and only Lord Paxton.? I just heard from his new family ,and he is behaving as if he's always lived there. Made himself right at home. Everyone is happy.
Just wanted to let you know Pax is doing great. Slept well the last 2 nights, okay when I ran errands, had a nice day together yesterday with some walk time. He is also loving the toy you sent,it's still his favorite, and really cute!

I brought Pax to work with me today and he stayed for the whole day. Needless to say, everyone loved him. He made the rounds during the day and managed to suck up to everyone individually. He took naps in just about every office, and joined us all for lunch where he earned big points by laying quietly 6 feet away from the table and not begging
He also greeted the mailman and UPS man.

That's it for today. I need to wake him up now and take him home, so he can rest from his busy day of holding down the carpet!